Hello, world!
This is my first blog post. Hooray!
I’m still not sure what’s to become of this little webspace I’ve created for myself. At the moment, I’m enjoying the process of setting up the cloud infrastructure for hosting it (sometimes it’s good to take joy in the simple things, I think). It’s built with Hugo and packaged with Nix; a blog post about that should be coming soon. Special thanks to Jan Raasch for creating this Bearblog-inspired theme!
Blogging is something I’ve procrastinated on for a very long time, but recently I’ve taken a liking to the concept of digital gardens. I find it very endearing, the whole notion of cultivating your own little garden of ideas – tending it slowly and organically, while eventually being visited by curious passers-by, that stop to smell the flowers. I believe that organizing our thoughts into a written format that is meant to be read by others is very important, and that by taking care of this metaphorical, external garden, we also cultivate something within ourselves.
Although I haven’t written very much at all in the past few years (aside from boring academic papers), I’ll try my best to make a habit of journaling regularly and populating this website with stuff that is interesting to me and, hopefully, to you, the reader.